OpenMetaverse Protocol Library Developers API Documentation
InstantMessageDialog Enumeration
Special commands used in Instant Messages
Declaration Syntax
Member Description
MessageFromAgent Indicates a regular IM from another agent
MessageBox Simple notification box with an OK button
GroupInvitation You've been invited to join a group.
InventoryOffered Inventory offer
InventoryAccepted Accepted inventory offer
InventoryDeclined Declined inventory offer
GroupVote Group vote
TaskInventoryOffered An object is offering its inventory
TaskInventoryAccepted Accept an inventory offer from an object
TaskInventoryDeclined Decline an inventory offer from an object
NewUserDefault Unknown
SessionAdd Start a session, or add users to a session
SessionOfflineAdd Start a session, but don't prune offline users
SessionGroupStart Start a session with your group
SessionCardlessStart Start a session without a calling card (finder or objects)
SessionSend Send a message to a session
SessionDrop Leave a session
MessageFromObject Indicates that the IM is from an object
BusyAutoResponse Sent an IM to a busy user, this is the auto response
ConsoleAndChatHistory Shows the message in the console and chat history
RequestTeleport Send a teleport lure
AcceptTeleport Response sent to the agent which inititiated a teleport invitation
DenyTeleport Response sent to the agent which inititiated a teleport invitation
GodLikeRequestTeleport Only useful if you have Linden permissions
RequestLure Request a teleport lure
GotoUrl IM to tell the user to go to an URL
Session911Start IM for help
Lure911 IM sent automatically on call for help, sends a lure to each Helper reached
FromTaskAsAlert Like an IM but won't go to email
GroupNotice IM from a group officer to all group members
GroupNoticeInventoryAccepted Unknown
GroupNoticeInventoryDeclined Unknown
GroupInvitationAccept Accept a group invitation
GroupInvitationDecline Decline a group invitation
GroupNoticeRequested Unknown
FriendshipOffered An avatar is offering you friendship
FriendshipAccepted An avatar has accepted your friendship offer
FriendshipDeclined An avatar has declined your friendship offer
StartTyping Indicates that a user has started typing
StopTyping Indicates that a user has stopped typing

Assembly: OpenMetaverse(Module: OpenMetaverse.dll) Version: (